Truck1 services. Truck1

Boost Your Sales with Truck1

Access the essential promotion services to grow your business and find ideal buyers for your offerings!

Detailed statistics
Available in your control panel

Our main advantages

4 000 000

visitors per month

2 500 +



language versions


years on market

With us you receive:

  • Fair and transparent pricing
  • Detailed statistics
  • Personal manager and custom approach
  • Modern and user-centered design
  • Ad and profile check for signs of fraud, protecting against bots and cheating
  • Optimizing your ads for Google search engines (upon request from SEO)

Here's how we can help boost your sales

Employ our promotion services to elevate your ads efforts

Promotion with credits

Use credits to promote your listings to the top of choice results by highlighting them with color, size or advertising label to attract more attention


Remind those who already know you about yourself. Banner advertising with your ads on search engines and partner sites

Remarketing on social networks

Your advertising is where the buyer spends more than two hours a day - on Facebook and Instagram. Available if prices are in your ads

Banner advertising

Promote your brand and attract audience to your page

Text advertising

Gather buyers who are just starting their search. Link to your ads in a search engine

Social media

Make your social media pages more attractive for sales


Targeted distribution of your offer to an audience of Truck1 customers depending on their interests or location

YouTube Promo

Increase your brand awareness with YouTube Promo! We will create an engaging advertising video and show it to a relevant audience. Enhance your image, strengthen your competitive position and attract the attention of new customers

Google Shopping

Your ad is right below the search bar! With Google Shopping, you have a unique opportunity to reach millions of shoppers who are actively looking for exactly what you offer

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Submit a request and we'll detail everything for you

Get the prices for Truck1 services

Upravljavec osebnih podatkov, obdelanih v zgornjem obrazcu, je TRUCK1 sp. z o.o. s sedežem na ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Varšava, NIP: 7011085742, REGON: 521876921. E-poštni kontakt: Osebni podatki se obdelujejo za namen obravnave povpraševanja, poslanega prek danega obrazca, na podlagi čl. 6 sek. 1 točka f GDPR. Vsak uporabnik ima pravico zahtevati dostop do svojih osebnih podatkov, popravek, izbris (v utemeljenih primerih), omejitev obdelave in ugovor obdelavi, ter pravico vložiti pritožbo pri Nadzorniku Urada za varstvo osebnih podatkov. Več informacij o obdelavi osebnih podatkov je na voljo v informacijskih klavzulah, objavljenih na spletni strani: Politika zasebnosti.

S klikom na katero koli povezavo na tej strani potrjujete vaše soglasje in dovoljenje za obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov, vključno z uporabo piškotkov in drugih tehnologij za sledenje. Namen tega je izboljšati in prilagoditi vaše izkušnje na tej spletni strani, drugih naših straneh in straneh oglaševalcev tretjih oseb, ki sodelujejo z nami. Naše partnerske družbe lahko tudi shranijo datoteke piškotkov na vašem napravi ali uporabljajo podobne tehnologije za zbiranje in obdelavo osebnih podatkov. Preberite več o tem, kako obdelujemo vaše osebne podatke.