Personal information processing. Truck1
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Personal information processing

Please also see our Privacy policy to know more.

When you use this website or any other our websites, you accept our Privacy policy and Personal information statement, as per GDPR regulations. However, you are free to opt out anytime, in this case we will delete all your private information. To opt out, please contact us clearly stating your details and a wish to withdraw your consent.

In the limits of GDPR regulations, you’ve given us your consent to store and access information on your devices. It concerns the following data:

  • your user behavior on our websites,
  • your advertising preferences,
  • statistical details of your visits,
  • ads you browsed,
  • how often you browsed ads,
  • when and where you browsed ads,
  • whether you took any action after browsing ads,
  • type of browser and its settings,
  • information about the operating system,
  • cookie information,
  • information about other identifiers assigned to the device,
  • the IP address of the device,
  • information about the user's activity on the device,
  • information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses our websites.

We never have access to personal information stored on your devices. The above-mentioned information may be collected, processed and shared so that advertising can be presented for you individually.

Also please note that Google uses cookies and collects information about your device and the use of this website. For more information about the use of cookies by Google and the use of data by Google: How Google uses cookies and Use of data.

S klikom na katero koli povezavo na tej strani potrjujete vaše soglasje in dovoljenje za obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov, vključno z uporabo piškotkov in drugih tehnologij za sledenje. Namen tega je izboljšati in prilagoditi vaše izkušnje na tej spletni strani, drugih naših straneh in straneh oglaševalcev tretjih oseb, ki sodelujejo z nami. Naše partnerske družbe lahko tudi shranijo datoteke piškotkov na vašem napravi ali uporabljajo podobne tehnologije za zbiranje in obdelavo osebnih podatkov. Preberite več o tem, kako obdelujemo vaše osebne podatke.